Ta’if (Arabic: الطائف; (aṭ-Ṭā’if)) is a city in Mecca Province of Saudi Arabia a...Read More
Tourist Attractions

The Black Stone (or Hajarul Aswad, Arabic: الحجر الأسود al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) is the eastern co...Read More

The Masjid al-Ḥarām (Arabic: المسجد الحرام, literally “the sacred mosque”), also...Read More

Mina (also known as the Tent City) is a neighborhood of Mecca in Makkah Province, in western Saud...Read More

The stay at Muzdalifah is preceded by a day at Arafat, consisting of glorifying Allah, repeating...Read More

It is the mountain that contains Thour cave, in which Messenger of Allah (Peace of Allah be up on...Read More

The Prophet was born in Mecca in August 570 AD. He was given the name Muhammad, which means, the...Read More

Hira (Arabic: حراء Ḥirāʾ ) or the Cave of Hira (غار حراء Ġār Ḥirāʾ ) is a cave about 3 kilom...Read More

Al-Safa and Al-Marwah (Safa and Marwah) (Arabic: الصفا Aṣ-Ṣafā, المروة al-Marwah) are two sm...Read More

Mount Arafat or Mount Arafah (Arabic: جبل عرفات transliterated Jabal ‘Arafāt) is a gra...Read More

The Well of Zamzam (or the Zamzam Well, or just Zamzam; Arabic: زمزم) is a well located with...Read More

The Quba Mosque (Arabic: مسجد قباء, Masjid Qubā’), in the outlying environs of Medina...Read More

Masjid al-Qiblatayn (Arabic: المسجد القبلتین), or the Mosque of the Two Qiblas, is a mosque...Read More

The interior of the Prophet’s Mosque is remarkable, first and foremost, for the sheer crush...Read More